Global Health Initiatives and impact at country level certain general
characteristics about the effects of Global Health Initiatives. Global health initiatives have enabled wider stakeholder participation
in service delivery while often having early negative systems effects through
establishing parallel bodies and processes that are poorly coordinated, harmonized and aligned with national systems. Global health initiatives were established to tackle increasing global
health threats, reduce disparities within communities and between nations
and contribute to a world where people live healthier, safer and longer lives. After going through this module, you are expected to demonstrate
competence in applying knowledge of global health initiatives of our
neighboring countries. Most Essential Learning Competency
2. Describes how global health initiatives positively impact people’s health in
various countries.
Grade 10 TLE(Cookery)-Module4
Food made with starches and contains egg, milk, cream of other dairy
products makes them prone to bacterial contamination and to food-borne illnesses.
These products should be stored in the refrigerator and never left to stay for long at
room temperature. Stocks, soups and sauces are generally highly perishable as they
contain water, proteins and carbohydrates, which favour the growth of bacteria,
yeasts, and moulds.
This module was designed to provide information on proper storage of stocks,
soups and sauces using appropriate storing equipment. Moreover, this module also
teaches you ways on how you reconstitute socks, soups and sauces.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
prepare stocks, sauces and soups (SSS). Specifically, you should be able to
store and reconstitute stocks, sauces and soups
1. Identify proper storage of stocks, sauces and soups
2. Identify storing equipment used for storing stocks, sauces and soups
3. Enumerate ways on how to reconstitute stocks, sauces and soups